Not Effed Up Enough, Baby: Chapter 2

Soon after that Viagra heart attack incident, the investigation was traced back to me.
I was charged with a 2nd degree involuntary manslaughter.

Apparently, Abdul was having a hard time getting it up for his girlfriend. Years of substance abuse and prescriptions for Propecia for his balding head led him to develop erectile dysfunctions. He could neither get hard nor enjoy the moments of intimacy. Rumors reached his ears that there’s a guy who can fix his little issue and that guy was me. With utmost sincerity Abdul approached me and opened up about his ordeals, told me about how his whisky dick and daily dose of benzo to keep him cool have ultimately failed him where it truly mattered, in the bedroom. He felt that all those years of drinking and doing drugs stripped away his virility. He tried Viagra but no matter how many times he followed the motion of the ocean, he just couldn’t reach the peak and was left stranded in the waters. I had what he needed but I needed him to promise me not to overdo it. He fell to his knees and swore that he won’t go down that path again. I advised him to take xyrem and ritalin , half a tab of Viagra and some ginseng drink to wash it down, also, I asked him to smoke weed instead of going through all the ordeal, he waved that suggestion away, thanked me and scurried off to get his hands on those meds. I was aware he wasn’t going to find xyrem or any mdma on the streets, and ritalin wasn’t going to be a big deal compared to amphetamines but that dumb fuck decided to take matters into his own hands. He somehow acquired adderall and modafinil, and to make matters worse he also bought a high proof spirit to celebrate the occasion. First, he popped a viagra and some weird sex pills along with the rest of the pills and washed it down with a glass of vodka mixed with redbull. The first few minutes drove him into a frenzy as he raw dogged his girlfriend for 2 minutes straight, almost causing her to prolapse. By the he was about to climax, he collapsed.

I was tried as an adult and was sentenced to 7 years in penitentiary with a chance of parole. My mom was all over the place, and she busted her ass to have me tried as a juvenile and to ensure I had the chance to appeal for parole if opportunity ever presented itself, with good behavior and all. She was on the floor in tears begging to the judge, telling him that I was just a kid who made silly mistakes and knew nothing better, and the judge told her I knew plenty so the verdict was fair and there’s nothing more he can do for me.
Before parting with my mother, I asked her to smuggle in as many cigarettes as she can. It’s like currency in here. It could make life easier in here for me. She was hysterical, and sobbing incessantly, I couldn’t look her in the eyes. She wouldn’t let me go but the guards tore her away from me and I took one last look at her before checking myself in… What have I done.

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